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Stay on Schedule with Golden View Classical Academy Calendar - Academics, Events and More!

Stay on Schedule with Golden View Classical Academy Calendar - Academics, Events and More!

Are you a parent looking for the best educational experience for your child? Look no further than Golden View Classical Academy. At GVCA, we pride ourselves on offering a classical education with a modern twist. Our curriculum is designed to challenge students while providing them with the skills they need to succeed in the modern world.

One important aspect of our program is our academic calendar. We believe that a well-planned calendar is key to ensuring that our students receive the education they deserve. Our school year is divided into three trimesters, each lasting approximately 12 weeks. This allows us to cover a wide range of material while also providing students with regular breaks to rest and recharge.

In addition to our regular academic schedule, we also offer a number of extracurricular activities throughout the year. From sports teams to music programs, there is something for everyone at GVCA. And with our convenient online calendar, it's easy for parents to stay up-to-date on all of the latest events and activities.

So what sets our calendar apart from other schools? For starters, our trimester system allows us to cover more material in a shorter amount of time. This means that students are able to learn more without sacrificing the quality of their education.

Another advantage of our calendar is that it allows for greater flexibility. With three trimesters, students are able to take make-up classes or catch up on material if they fall behind. And since our schedule is posted online, parents can easily make arrangements for their child to attend additional classes as needed.

Of course, we understand that academic success isn't just about the schedule. That's why we offer a variety of support services to our students, including tutoring and counseling. Our goal is to help every student achieve their full potential.

So if you're looking for a high-quality education for your child, consider Golden View Classical Academy. Our calendar is just one of the many reasons why we stand out from other schools in the area. Learn more about our curriculum and programs today!

In conclusion, Golden View Classical Academy is the solution to your child's educational needs. With a well-planned academic calendar, extracurricular activities, and strong support services, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible experience. So why wait? Sign up today and watch your child thrive!

Golden View Classical Academy Calendar
"Golden View Classical Academy Calendar" ~ bbaz


Golden View Classical Academy is a charter school that follows classical education principles. They have a unique approach to education that emphasizes the use of the great books of Western civilization. One aspect of their approach is their academic calendar.

The Basics of the Calendar

The Golden View Classical Academy calendar is based on the idea that education should be a year-round endeavor. This means that the traditional summer break is significantly shortened, and students have shorter breaks throughout the year. The school year begins in early August and ends in late June, with several week-long breaks interspersed throughout the year.

These breaks are strategically placed to coincide with major holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. This not only allows students and teachers to celebrate these holidays with their families but also provides a much-needed pause in the academic calendar.

The Benefits of a Year-Round Calendar

There are several benefits to a year-round academic calendar. The most significant advantage is that students do not lose the progress they have made during the school year. Traditional schools often experience the summer slide, where students lose some of the knowledge and skills they gained during the previous school year over the summer break. With a year-round calendar, students have shorter breaks that allow them to maintain their momentum.

Additionally, the year-round calendar allows for more flexibility in scheduling. Students can take classes during the summer or participate in extracurricular activities that may not be available during the school year. Teachers also have more opportunities for professional development during the extended breaks.

The Importance of Classical Education

Golden View Classical Academy's academic calendar is based on their philosophy of education. They believe that a classical education is essential for preparing students for a successful life. Classical education is based on the trivium, which consists of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

At Golden View Classical Academy, students study the great books of Western civilization, such as Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Plato. They also learn Latin and participate in Socratic seminars, which encourage critical thinking and discussion. The year-round academic calendar allows students to delve deeper into these subjects and maintain their progress throughout the year.

The Role of Parents and Community

Golden View Classical Academy believes that education is a partnership between parents, teachers, and the community. In keeping with this philosophy, they offer several opportunities for parents to be involved in their children's education.

The school hosts events such as back-to-school nights, curriculum nights, and parent-teacher conferences. They also have a robust volunteer program that encourages parents and community members to get involved in the classroom and school events. The year-round calendar allows for more opportunities for parents to be involved in their children's education.

The Challenges of the Year-Round Calendar

While there are many benefits to a year-round academic calendar, there are also some challenges. One of the most significant obstacles is scheduling. With shorter breaks throughout the year, families may find it challenging to plan vacations or other activities. Teachers and administrators must also coordinate schedules for extracurricular activities and professional development.

The year-round calendar can also be intense for students and teachers. There is less time for downtime and relaxation, which can lead to burnout if not managed properly. However, Golden View Classical Academy recognizes the importance of self-care and encourages students and teachers to prioritize their mental and physical health.


Overall, the Golden View Classical Academy calendar reflects their commitment to a rigorous education grounded in classical principles. While the year-round calendar may present some challenges, it also offers numerous benefits for students, teachers, and parents. As the school continues to grow and develop, their academic calendar will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping their unique approach to education.

Golden View Classical Academy Calendar: A Comparison with Other Schools


Golden View Classical Academy (GVCA) is a charter school located in Golden, Colorado. It offers a classical education curriculum that emphasizes the humanities and sciences. The school has gained popularity due to its unique approach to education, but how does its academic calendar compare with other schools in the area?In this blog post, we will compare the GVCA calendar with that of other schools in Golden, Colorado, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and provide an opinion on whether it fits the needs of the students and the community.

Academic Calendar

The GVCA academic calendar is similar to that of traditional public schools in Colorado, with approximately 180 days of instruction. However, it differs in some aspects such as longer school days and a shortened summer break.GVCA operates on a trimester schedule, with each trimester lasting for 12 weeks. Students attend classes from late August to late May, with a winter break of two weeks in December and a spring break of one week in March.

Table Comparison

To provide a clearer picture of the differences between the GVCA calendar and other schools in Golden, Colorado, the following table compares their academic calendars:| School | Number of Instructional Days | Start Date | Finish Date ||-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------|------------|-------------|| Golden View Classical Academy | 180 | Late Aug | Late May || Mitchell Elementary School | 169 | Early Aug | Late May || Kyffin Elementary School | 169 | Mid Aug | Late May || Pleasant View Elementary School | 169 | Late Aug | Late May || Bell Middle School | 169 | Mid Aug | Late May || Golden High School | 173 | Early Aug | Late May |


The GVCA calendar has several strengths. The trimester schedule allows students and teachers to focus on a smaller set of courses at once, which can improve student learning outcomes. With fewer courses to worry about, students can devote more time and energy to each course, resulting in a deeper understanding of the material.Moreover, the longer school days (7:50 AM to 3:20 PM) allow for extended periods of classroom instruction and ample opportunities for extracurricular activities. Students can participate in clubs, sports, music, and other activities without sacrificing academic instruction.


One of the weaknesses of the GVCA calendar is the shortened summer break. While a shorter summer break may seem like an advantage as it minimizes learning loss, it can also be a burden on families who have planned vacations or summer activities that require a longer timeframe. This could result in students missing school, which negatively impacts their education.Another weakness is the lack of flexibility in scheduling. If students need to take time off for family vacations or emergencies, it can be difficult to catch up on missed coursework due to the trimester schedule. Additionally, if a student misses more than three days of a specific course, they may need to retake the entire trimester.


Overall, the GVCA calendar is well-designed to maximize learning opportunities and offer a robust curriculum. However, it may not fit the needs of all families or students. For those who require a more flexible schedule or a longer summer break, traditional public schools may be a better choice. Nonetheless, for those who value a classical education and the benefits of a trimester schedule, GVCA is an excellent option.

Everything You Need to Know About Golden View Classical Academy Calendar


Golden View Classical Academy is a K-12 public charter school located in Jefferson County, Colorado. This institution puts a strong emphasis on classical education and has been consistently recognized as one of the top public schools in the state. One of the essential components of ensuring that students have a fruitful academic year is the school calendar. In this article, we will be discussing the Golden View Classical Academy calendar, including its structure, important dates, and tips for students and parents.

Structure of Golden View Classical Academy Calendar:

The Golden View Classical Academy Calendar is structured around four academic terms, which occur four times a year. The first term starts in August and ends in November, followed by a two-week break. The second term goes from December to March, followed by another two-week break. The third term continues from April to the end of May, followed by a three-month summer break. The fourth term is from September to the end of October, with a one-week break for fall break.

The importance of the Golden View Classical Academy Calendar:

The academic calendar is crucial to any school, and Golden View Classical Academy is no exception. The school's system ensures good time management, enabling students, parents, and staff to plan their schedule properly. A well-structured calendar helps to reduce stress levels, improve concentration, and set specific goals. Additionally, it is essential that everyone involved in the school is always aware of the significant events and holidays.

Important Dates:

As discussed, there are several essential dates on the school calendar that students and parents must be aware of. These dates include:- First day of school or term start date;- Holidays such as Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Memorial Day;- Field trips, public speaking events, and school performances;- Parent-teacher conferences, reports, and grades review dates.

How to Access Golden View Classical Academy Calendar:

The Golden View Classical Academy Calendar is accessible through the school's official website at The calendar is regularly updated by the school administration with any necessary changes or adjustments. Moreover, the staff sends reminders to parents and students about upcoming important dates.

Tips for students:

Golden View Classical Academy encourages a robust studious environment for its students. To achieve academic excellence and maximize their learning experience, here are some helpful tips for the students:- Create a study schedule and stick to it;- Take good notes, ask questions in class, and review them regularly;- Participate in extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports, and community service groups;- Get enough rest and stay hydrated to maintain focus and concentration;- Review past tests and quizzes and work on practice problems before exams.

Tips for parents:

Parents play a significant role in their children's academic success. Here are some tips for parents to help their kids succeed in Golden View Classical Academy:- Encourage your children to read books outside of class and engage in critical thinking exercises;- Attend parent-teacher conferences to discuss academic progress and identify areas that need improvement;- Create a conducive study environment at home, free of distractions such as phones, TV, and social media;- Help your children plan their schedules and remind them of essential dates on the school calendar;- Commend your children's successes and achievements and provide support when they struggle.


In conclusion, the Golden View Classical Academy Calendar is an essential tool that helps to structure students' learning, staff time management, and parents' academic goals. Utilizing the tips provided in this article will help students and parents maximize their experience in the school, achieve academic excellence and be productive members of the community.

Golden View Classical Academy Calendar: The Key to a Well-Planned School Year

Welcome to Golden View Classical Academy, where learning is a way of life. As parents and guardians, we all know the importance of a well-planned school year. With that in mind, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on events, activities, and important dates throughout the academic year. This is where the Golden View Classical Academy Calendar comes into play. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the details of the calendar, its various components, and how you can use it as a tool to ensure that your child’s school year runs as smoothly as possible.

To start, let’s discuss what the Golden View Classical Academy calendar is. The calendar is a comprehensive schedule of the school year, ranging from the first day of school to the last. It includes important dates such as holidays, teacher workdays, parent-teacher conferences, and special events. It’s important to note that the calendar may change throughout the year, so it’s essential to keep up-to-date with the latest version.

The Golden View Classical Academy Calendar is divided into several parts, each serving a specific purpose. The first part of the calendar is the general school year calendar. This outline lists all the basic dates throughout the academic year, such as the first day of school, winter break, spring break, and last day of school. These dates are crucial for planning vacations, doctor and dentist appointments, and other personal events throughout the year.

The second part of the calendar is the events calendar. This calendar lists all the special events happening in the school, such as student performances, fundraising events, and other extracurricular activities. These events play an essential role in the school community and are excellent opportunities for students to showcase their talents and interests outside of the classroom.

Another crucial component of the Golden View Classical Academy calendar is the academic calendar. This calendar outlines important dates throughout the academic year, such as exams, progress reports, and parent-teacher conferences. These dates are critical for keeping track of your child’s progress and ensuring that they are meeting academic expectations.

The daily schedule is another essential part of the Golden View Classical Academy calendar. This schedule outlines the school day’s timing, including start and end times, as well as recess and lunch breaks. Keeping track of the daily schedule is crucial for getting your child to school on time and keeping them on track throughout the day.

With all these components, it can become overwhelming trying to keep up with everything. However, Golden View Classical Academy has taken steps to make the calendar as accessible and user-friendly as possible. The calendar is available on the school’s website, and there is also an option to import it onto a personal calendar through Google or Apple apps. It’s essential to check the calendar regularly and set reminders for important dates as needed.

Using the Golden View Classical Academy calendar as a tool to plan your child’s school year has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows for better time management, ensuring that both you and your child are aware of important dates throughout the year. It also helps to avoid last-minute scrambling and stress associated with not being prepared for certain events or deadlines. Additionally, staying up-to-date with the calendar demonstrates an active interest in your child’s education and involvement in their school community.

In conclusion, the Golden View Classical Academy Calendar provides an extensive outline of the school year, ranging from general dates to specific events and schedules. With its easy accessibility and user-friendly options, it offers the perfect tool for planning and organizing your child’s school year. By staying on top of important dates and utilizing the calendar to its fullest potential, you’re setting your child up for a successful and stress-free academic year.

We hope this blog post has been helpful in outlining the importance of the Golden View Classical Academy Calendar. As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school administration. Enjoy planning your school year!

People Also Ask about Golden View Classical Academy Calendar

What is Golden View Classical Academy?

Golden View Classical Academy is a charter school located in Golden, Colorado which follows a rigorous classical education curriculum that was based on the model of the renowned Hillsdale College.

Why is the calendar important?

The academic calendar outlines important dates such as holidays, school closures, and special events and activities that occur throughout the school year. It helps students, parents and teachers to effectively plan and organize their schedules accordingly.

Where can I find the calendar for Golden View Classical Academy?

The academic calendar for Golden View Classical Academy can be found on the school's website or by contacting the school administration office.

What are the important dates to remember on the academic calendar?

The important dates to remember include:

  • First day of classes
  • Labor Day holiday
  • Thanksgiving break
  • Winter break
  • Spring break
  • Memorial Day holiday
  • Last day of classes

Does Golden View Classical Academy follow a traditional academic calendar?

Yes, Golden View Classical Academy follows a traditional academic calendar that typically begins in late August or early September and ends in May or June.

Can the academic calendar change during the school year?

Yes, the academic calendar may be subject to changes in case of unforeseen circumstances such as school closures due to inclement weather or emergency situations.

Are there any cultural events or field trips included in the academic calendar?

Yes, the academic calendar may include cultural events, field trips, and other special activities that are meant to enhance the learning experience of students.

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